Every Question Has Its Own Floorplan
You’ve seen the movies, the SWAT teams arrive, they start to assess the environment.
Out come the blueprints for the building. Allowing and understanding of strong and weak points, where to attack from and where to avoid.
Everytime I’m asked a question, it doesn’t matter how small or inoquous, out comes the floorplan, uninvited.
All the little details, irrelevant to person who asked the question are there and ready to serve. When the question really wants a detailed
answer it is awesome, detail upon detail upon detail.
The problem is that most people don’t want that detail.
Ask a simple question, don’t expect a simple answer. It’s complicated, it depends, there is some nuance here, some nuance there.
I’d love to be able to answer the simple question, but with the floorplan out and open, it’s very difficult to roll it up and put it away and
then look you in the eye and answer with the simple, ambiguous, wrong depending on the context answer.